checking in from the wilderness
I haven't posted here in about a month, mostly due to building a new business. I am posting over at the PetBlog as part of the rollout, though.
The transition from librarian to pet sitter hasn't been that rough. I've essentially been on a sabbatical - alternately of industry and sloth - since November 2006, and with the youngest of my kids about to start school (in about an hour) I am finally free and clear to get back into the workforce thing.
My on-and-off off-time has taught me one thing for certain: I don't want to be a librarian anymore, at least not in the traditional sense. In fact, my basic unsuitability for the World of WorkCraft has I don't think I could work for someone as an employee now without getting fired for insubordination or even malingering. So, a decade-plus since I embarked on learning what seemed to be the only career option for the likes of me - the pseudoscience of librarianship - I'm starting on another new Quest as an entrepreneur in the wilds of pet care.
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