i've been debating for a while whether or not to post the details of Tank's potty training. We weren't planning on trying to train him until he seemed ready - he'll turn terrible Two this month - but a cliche crisis (i.e., danger plus opportunity) has started us on that path.
if yr squeamish, or have just eaten, or lack masochism, or are just sane, this is the part where you stop reading. really. i'm planning on getting excruciatingly descriptive.
(as Shrek said, "this is the part where you run away")
are they gone yet? good. now it's just me, the experienced parents, and the rest of the nutjobs.
parenting three "high needs" boys has been more of a challenge than i'd ever expected. i missed out on Bink's early years while wandering in the wilderness of stupidity and tequila (okay, it was texas), and taking over as Tank's and now Popeye's primary caregiver started as part new adventure, part atonement. two years in and i think the atonement is paid with interest; as for the adventure, let's just say i've realized the alleged chinese curse of "may you live in interesting times".
(seriously, if you've wandered this far there's still time to get out before i give the horrid, fetid, unseemly, and all-too pungent details)
about three months after Tank's first birthday, the whole familia came down with some sort of intestinal bug. In my nearly 39 years i've suffered from food poisoning or "stomach flu" a handful of times, but since moving to sunny smoky and driving blind drunk New Mexico i've had such joyful distress four or five times in a little over two years. sanitation and other luxuries of public health are still difficult concepts for this state to grasp, so i'm not surprised.
Bink, with his intestines of iron, barely noticed he was ill. Mama and i had our two day bouts of incapacitation, thankfully in non-overlapping intervals. Tank had one bad day of bursting at both ends (hey, i warned you this was gonna get ugly) followed by a few days of low grade digestive ickness.
since then the by has only been ill once or twice, and briefly at that. but he's had chronic constipation that hasn't been alleviated by laxatives, dietary changes, or other drastic measures that even i am not low enough to descibe here. over the past few months it seems to have gotten worse, and we've tried homeopathic treatment, massage, and have had to resort to all-too-frequent enemas (last warning, this is getting into Herb territory from here on in) just to get his insides cleared.
we finally found a description of his condition online (don't have the URL handy but i'll post it later for anyone still reading) - it turns out his colon's gotten distended and needs to stay relatively cleaned out before it will regain muscle tone and return to its normal size. hence the frequent fun park ride of turning a squirmy toddler on his side, sticking a babylax into his butt, holding him in The Position for a minute and then placing him on the potty, and finally watching in awe as he passes a stool the size of my forearm.
(your remaining speck of sanity is screaming at you to GET OUT! GET OUT NOW! it's like the amityville horror, but with an anus...)
tonight Tank was doing his patented PoopFoot routine, in which he sits and crunches up while grabbing one foot in an attempt to squeeze one out. this results in one of two outcomes: he either succeeds, or we assist as above. tonight we were going to break open a new box of babylax and get his unloaded yet again, when i decided to let him try the potty without the harsh intervention. it took a few minutes of nearly blowing out an O ring, but this little tyke lost a good unhappy pound at the end of it. if i'd had to pass this brick i'd have hurt, and i'm six-five and a good 215 lb. imagine a baby pushing out a chunk like that and cringe.
he's happy again - in fact, he ran around the kitchen and plucked a plum from me after we washed up - but i think we're onto something. all this time we've tried to find ways to force his bowels to work again, and all he really needed (or what he's reached now) was the encouragement to do it himself. we'd thought Tank would be as hard to potty train as his big brother (who didn't get it until he was four), but now i think we might start trying it. not forcing him to use the portable plumbing, but letting him play it as a game. as i watch him having his pre-bed nightcap of magnesia-spiked milk, i'm thinking of showing him how to play Sink this week. you know, throw a few cheerios into the toilet, unzip, and teach him how to aim ....